Thursday, October 29, 2009

Shores of Infinity ...

Sitting on the boundless shores of Infinity, I called Her, with the only name She has, Infinity. She comes, riding on a cloud, as white as Her robes, and as fast as My thoughts. There are stars around, white-blue, scattered, all seven of them. And they are in a circlet on Her head. She talks, with Her sea-blue eyes, and with Her mouth, She sings songs, about Trees and the Sea-Waves, about the Tall Mountains, about a Green Field, in Springs. Sometimes She comes sitting on Raindrops, and invites Me to play with the Rainbow. But We generally sit on branches of Trees, and then go inside, through the Roots, deeper and deeper and come out on the top of some other Tree. Sometimes the roots lead Us to to womb of Mother Earth, back whence We came from, and there She sings songs of Creation and Destruction, of Time and his fickleness and the entangled Web He keeps spinning. However, we generally let Him pass, and He too never really has known that We are there.

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